Tormoseröd Due Diligence and Technical Advisor

Due Diligence

Meventus provided a Full Scope Technical Due Diligence report for Fu-Gen as part of their acquisition process of the 73 MW Tormoseröd wind farm in southern Sweden. The work included a technical review of:
  • Executive project documentation,
  • Turbine contracts (TSA and LTSA),
  • BoP, electrical and civil works contracts,
  • Permitting status,
  • Environmental Impact Assessment compared to current project design,
  • Management contracts.

A Turbine Technology review and an independent confirmation of the energy yield and turbine site suitability were also included in the scope. The work resulted in a positive financial investment decision from the customer.

Meventus has continued on the project as the Lender’s Technical Advisor (LTA) during the construction and operation phase.